Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Claylon is 5 months old!

This month:
You weigh: 17lbs
You wear: size 3 diaper and 6-9 months clothes. Some 12 months 
You sleep:  You wake up between 1 and 2 times a night. The last few nights you have been rolling over on to your back and laughing. It is super cute but not so much in the middle of the night. 
You eat: momma's milk only. You are a great nurser and you also take the bottle very well YESSSSSSS! I am considering baby-led weaning this time. So, we may be starting food soon...!?
This month you: Have started to scoot. You are interested in toys and your favorite one is a little wooden man. You also love the same teether your sister loved. 
I think somedays you look like your uncle Justin and sometimes you look like Madison. It is a tie, I just cant decide. 
Just within the last few days you have started to not spit up as much. I am SO glad!
I am so thankful for your sweet smile and laugh everyday. You are my sunshine and I am so blessed to have such a sweet beautiful baby boy!! 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Claylon is 4 months old!

This month:
You weigh: 16.5
You wear: size 3 diaper and 6-9 months clothes. Some 12 months such as the onesie pictured below
You sleep:  Very well! You have been waking up around 1:30 ish and then going back to sleep until 8 or 9! I love being able to sleep =)
You eat: momma's milk only. You are a great nurser and you also take the bottle very well YESSSSSSS!
This month you: rolled over! The first time for you to roll over was on November 4th! 
Bummers this month:  You still spit up but not as much as you used to! I cannot wait until this is over ;)
Everyone says you are starting to show Madison faces and look more like your daddy. Man, those Cooper genes must be strong hehe 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday- Dream Kitchens

1. 1-kotm-kitchen-1108-xlg-29249282.jpg
This kitchen is BEAUTIFUL and I love how 'old fashion' it looks, but in all reality it is not something I would actually have. It definitely fits well with my cottage house on the mountains in Colorado!!!! HEHE 

2. Dream-Rooms-by-Dream-Kitche.jpg
This is a more realistic dream kitchen! The kitchen I have now does not allow for me to be able to have a kitchen like this one so hopefully in a few years we will move into a bigger house that does allow for a huge kitchen !! I love the color of the cabnets, it is soo unique and the color of the wood and granite... it just all goes together so well!! ahhh.... what a nice dream, thanks Taylor =) 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Claylon is 3 months old!

You weigh: 15.10
You wear: size 2 diaper and 6/6-9 months clothes 
You sleep:  5-6 hours a night normally but atleast once a week you will sleep for 8 hours! 
You eat: momma's milk only. You are doing a little too well on the bottle and sometimes prefer
This month you laughed for the first time! You are the most ticklish baby ever. I just love the sound of your laugh it makes me so happy. You love to coo with just about anyone that will talk to you.  
Bummers this month:  you also are still spitting up and I am getting very ready for you to grow out of this!! 
This month you still look at lot like your uncle Justin, I think. But, I have gotten tons of comments that you look just like your sissy. 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Show us you life- Dining room

This week Kelly's corner is a tour of our dining rooms. Our dining room is FAR from your typical fancy chairs and table. Without further ado, welcome to our dining room....
We use our "dining room" as a play room! We have not lived in our house for very long and we are still working on everything to get it just how we like. This is one of my favorite rooms in our house because its well... just fun! 
This wall will eventually be filled with more artwork and family pictures. My friend Christin has the best ideas about decorating and this one is definitely one of my most favorite. So far, there is Madison's first artwork, first swimsuit, and both babies announcements. I really need to get to work filling up the other frames and getting more up there. My goal is to have the whole playroom filled with pictures and fun memorabilia. 

This light I got from IKEA. I think it is just so fitting for a playroom. I have it filled with balls right now but you can change the items you put into the bucket. SO FUN!
And then, of course, the toys!!

I figure one day my husband and I will have our fancy glass table and cloth chairs but for now this is just perfect for our family! 

Friendly Friday Follow

Hello and welcome to Friendly Friday Follow... a link-up meme which is hosted every Friday. The plan is to meet many new followers and make new friends each week.
The RULES to join in Friendly Friday Follow are very simple
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…and HAVE FUN!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday- Favorite Songs

1. "Undo" by Rush of Fools Rush of Fools

2. "100 years" by five for fighting 100 Years (Five for Fighting)

Me, Myself, & Lies

Me, Myself and Lies by Jennifer Rothschild is the bible study I am currently in. It has really opened my eyes to the things I say to myself that are not GOD's truths but ideals the EMENY tries to make me believe.
If you are ever able to participate in this bible study I HIGHLY recommend it! Or if you are disciplined enough to do a self-taught bible study try this one out. =)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The 'breast milk' for adults

As many of you know I am pretty into breast feeding and love to learn about all of the things that breast milk does for a baby! But now I have found the "breast milk for adults"... Coconut oil! The thing in breast milk that does its miracle work is called lauric acid. The only other place you can find lauric acid is in coconut oil. There are a million and one things that are amazing about coconut oil and I cant wait to try them all!! You should try it too and then share what you have found coconut oil works on! So far I have found that coconut oil makes stechmarks almost completely go away. I still had remaining strechmarks from Madison and I have only been using the coconut oil on it for a week and you can see only faint traces of them... I AM SO EXCITED to finally look at my tummy and not look like I got attacked by a grizzily bear. My skin feels silky and soft, my sons diaper rash is calmed down, and i have a TON of energy now! I eat one TBS in the morning (with my green smoothie) and I feel energy all day long!

Post a comment and tell me your thoughts/ideas/uses for coconut oil....'the breast milk for adults' ( I should totally paten that hehe)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Claylon is 2 months old!

You weigh: 14.1lbs which is 93.2%

You wear: size 2 diaper and 3-6/6 months clothes 

You sleep:  5-6 hours a night

You eat: momma's milk only and YOU LOVE IT

You have learned how to: smile, coo, you are holding your head up very well but its still is very tiring and hard to do, 

you love to BE HELD BY MOMMA, swing and be talked to! 

Bummers this month:  you also are still spitting up and crying in the car seat! But, I finally got your booty rash under control! 

This month you still look at lot like your uncle Justin!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Claylon is 1 month old!

Happy 1 month birthday my sweet baby boy!

You weigh: 10.8oz! yay my little chunker

You wear: size 1 diaper and 0-3 month

You sleep: from 8 or 9 pm until 2 or 3 am and then go back down until around 7 or 8.. I know! I'm very blessed to have a good sleeper (for atleast this month hehe) If you are a mom to an infant you know that nothing is ever set in stone and these babies are EVER changing!! 

You eat: momma's milk only and YOU LOVE IT

You have learned how to: drink from a bottle, move your head from side to side, find your hands, and look towards me when i talk to you!

you love to BE HELD BY MOMMA (your favorite thing), kissed by your sister, and eat,sleep, and poop =)

Bummers this month: Your booty rash =( I have tried everything my sweet baby boy and I am so sorry you have to deal with it! you also are still spitting up and crying in the car seat!

This month you look at lot like your uncle Justin!

I love you Claylon and I am so blessed to have you in my life you are the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen! You already have those heart strings going =) 

Madison says the darnest things

Madison is 18 months old has found her words! YAY! I am so excited that she is mimicking every sound and word everyone around her makes. We really have to watch what we say!

It is so sweet to hear her say "Claylee" (Claylon)
 when I am nursing Claylon she says "milk" (milk) and when claylon spits up she says "waass aat" (whats that) or "ouuu eeee" (ouch)

She loves "baa tea-m" (bath time)

She has really become super attached to "Da Da"

She loves to "each" (eat) and "nack" (snack) and always wants "MO" (more)!

Her favorite pass time these days is watching "moonies" (movies),  playing with her "abie" (baby). and reading "books" (books)

She is Mrs. Independent and rather "alk" (walk)
She sometimes will say "tank to" (thank you) but she rather sign this word still

Madison has also starting using the potty... teetee only but will always tell me when she has a "oop" (poop)!
I have a video that I will try to post on here very soon, but it is of her wear her big girl panties and going potty! So exciting =) 

She is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it! I cant believe she is almost 18 months old!! I look forward to teaching her new words and watching her learn to use the potty! This has been the best year and a half of my life and things only seem to get better and better... I AM SO BLESSED!

Claylon Jerrel Cooper

Claylon was born on July 1st 2010 at 9:07 am
When Claylon was born we weighed 7lbs 10 oz
was 20 inches long
Claylon was born the day before my birthday, what a great birthday present =)

The day after Claylon was born he became jaundice and had to stay in the hospital for  few extra days. Which we were not too happy about but we are thankful that we left the hospital with a healthy baby boy! 

This is the first meeting with his sister...
Madison loves to hold and kiss her new baby brother and is very sweet towards him! 
Here is a picture of daddy and Claylon: 
When we left the hospital on the 4th of July Claylon weighed 7lb 1oz. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's A BOY!

We have kind of known that we were having a boy since the very dr. appointment. At 13 weeks I saw the doctor for the first time and it was so special because Bubba actually was able to come to one of my appointments. Anyway, we were getting the "date ultrasound" and above the doctor talking you hear Bubba go, "IS THAT A PENIS?!" He was so excited he couldnt even keep it under control!! That doctor's response was that it had boy parts but not to paint the room blue just yet. So we didnt really think much of it because we werent 100% sure.

We had plans to find out the gender of the baby on Madison's birthday (early that morning) but on the next doctors visit we found out on "accident"... I went in for a routine check up and they couldnt find the baby's heartbeat so my doctor got me into a ultrasound room and right when i mean RIGHT when she put the thing on my belly there was a baby boy part but since we werent really there to find anything but the heartbeat she didnt stop to take a picture. Once she got a good look at the babies heartbeat she went back to get a picture of his manhood but then he woulnt uncross his legs... silly boy!

I told Bubba by buying him lunch and in the food box I wrote its a boy!!! When he opened his lunch I seriously thought his smile was going to be permeant! He was SO EXCITED!!!

We go this Saturday to get another ultrasound so maybe this time we can actually get some proof!! We are so excited that we are going to be blessed with one girl and one boy. It is just absolutely perfect!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Personality Crisis

I have recently starting going to a bible study called MOMS at our church. The first day we filled out a personality profile. I am sure many of you have heard of it, it's called Wired that way. I thought this would be very easy for me to do because I was pretty confident I knew exactly who I was. I was very surprised when my results came out and I was two completely opposite personalities. At first I was like so what, im a little of this and also this. But as I continued to fill out my profile I read that the two personalities I thought i was detected a personality mask. a personality mask, huh?

So i decided to have my husband help me whenever I got home. My husband lead me to an even bigger problem, he saw things about myself that i didnt see. So I filled out the personality profile just one more time and i finally found a personality haha YAY! If you are wondering I am Perfect Melancholy and Peaceful Phlegmatic. These two personalities are fine together, they actually complement and are not complete opposites.

I got to thinking about why and what masked my identity and made this so hard for me to fill out. The biggest things i can think of are 1) i am pregnant and who i am changes like the weather in Houston lately and 2) I am a young mom who has gone through very dramatic changes in just a little over 2 years!

A little background to my story, in college I was quite the wild animal. I pretty much felt invincible and didn't really have a care in the world but my own personal happiness. This is not to say I didnt get my things done! I still graduated with a 3.4 and worked throughout. =) The last semester of college I found out i was pregnant with Madison and got married. After I graduated i moved to Houston where my husband works and became a stay at home mom. This at first was a huge struggle for myself because i was always a go getter and social butterfly and now I was home with an infant. I love staying home with Madison but it is a completely different life style than I had gotten so used to in college.

This the reason for my identity mask! I am changing as a person and i think for the better! The first day in the bible study the teacher read scripture, I regretful didnt write it down, that really spoke to my heart. It went something along these lines; making everything you do reflect the Lord in a good way. This really opened my eyes because I am right where I am supposed to be!! I am playing with my child, cooking dinner, cleaning house, doing laundry, waking up in the middle of the night, and watching television with husband all in the name of the Lord. I may not be teaching a classroom full of children like I had planned but I am raising a family in the name of the Lord, which in my opinion says a lot and is also difficult at times.

When you are pregnant with your first child people have no problem telling you how different your life is going to be because you have to change dirty diapers and worry about another human 24 hours a day and blah blah. The one thing no one told me about was the "identity crisis"  and this has been the hardest thing for me to cope with so far. I have heard of a lot of moms who have gone through this same 'identity crisis" when they had children. I would like to hear your story and how you figured out your identity and if it is still a struggle! SO SHARE.... I WOULD LIKE SOME COMMENTS YOU CREEPERS =)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Boy or Girl

I cant believe that in about 2 weeks I will be finding out if Cooper #2 is a boy or a girl!! Second pregnancies go by so fast. I feel like with Madison I was counting down the seconds rather than the days =)

Just for fun we have done a few of the gender quizzes and one quiz says boy and the other says girl. The Chinese conception calendar says its a boy and the string over the belly button with with my wedding band says its a girl! Have any of you used either of these? where they accurate for you?

With Madison the chinese conception calendar was correct, so we will see with this baby if we think its accurate =)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Will Madison EVER wean?!

Madison is almost a year old and still hasnt dropped a nursing feed!! YIKES!  This is awesome and I have really enjoyed nursing her but what do I do when the other baby gets here? I am sooo worried I am going to have both on my bottles at the same times! YIKES!!

I offer her solid food during lunch and dinner and some days breakfast but that is only when she wakes up clucking. clucking is that she does when she is hungry for food... she is seriously so smart!

Any suggestions on how to wean or feeding two at the same time... does anyone have experience in that?!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pillow Talk

The other night while I was getting ready to go to sleep I looked over to the person laying next to me. I started to think how amazing it was that he is the only other person in the world I share "pillow talk" with!! By pillow talk I mean those last minute thoughts and reminders we give each other at our days end.

Anyway, this got me thinking about what an amazing husband I have! He goes to work every morning without even a grunt at the alarm clock and comes home with nothing less than a smile and helping hands!! It amazes me that someone could have such few "bad days"!  I would love to wake up every morning and not grunt at my alarm clock for a few extra minutes (Madison) and by the time my husband gets home STILL have a smile on my face. It seems hard to do but this is one thing I REALLY want to learn from my husband... I hope it rubs off HEHE =)

Not only is my husband a hard worker he is also the best daddy! Im not just saying this either... he truly is! =) He loves to be involved and if that means feeding, bathing, and changing diapers (at this age) well then he wants to do those things!! Also, there are times that I cant even figure out what is wrong with our baby girl and he will be like well maybe it's blank! try this.... and that will be the problem! It is so amazing how in-tune he is to mine and Madison's needs!

In the mix of daily activities and being busy I loose time to recognize my husband for all he does and how much we love him! The truth is, I couldn't do it without him! He is my rock and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful partner as him!