Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Claylon is 1 month old!

Happy 1 month birthday my sweet baby boy!

You weigh: 10.8oz! yay my little chunker

You wear: size 1 diaper and 0-3 month

You sleep: from 8 or 9 pm until 2 or 3 am and then go back down until around 7 or 8.. I know! I'm very blessed to have a good sleeper (for atleast this month hehe) If you are a mom to an infant you know that nothing is ever set in stone and these babies are EVER changing!! 

You eat: momma's milk only and YOU LOVE IT

You have learned how to: drink from a bottle, move your head from side to side, find your hands, and look towards me when i talk to you!

you love to BE HELD BY MOMMA (your favorite thing), kissed by your sister, and eat,sleep, and poop =)

Bummers this month: Your booty rash =( I have tried everything my sweet baby boy and I am so sorry you have to deal with it! you also are still spitting up and crying in the car seat!

This month you look at lot like your uncle Justin!

I love you Claylon and I am so blessed to have you in my life you are the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen! You already have those heart strings going =) 

Madison says the darnest things

Madison is 18 months old has found her words! YAY! I am so excited that she is mimicking every sound and word everyone around her makes. We really have to watch what we say!

It is so sweet to hear her say "Claylee" (Claylon)
 when I am nursing Claylon she says "milk" (milk) and when claylon spits up she says "waass aat" (whats that) or "ouuu eeee" (ouch)

She loves "baa tea-m" (bath time)

She has really become super attached to "Da Da"

She loves to "each" (eat) and "nack" (snack) and always wants "MO" (more)!

Her favorite pass time these days is watching "moonies" (movies),  playing with her "abie" (baby). and reading "books" (books)

She is Mrs. Independent and rather "alk" (walk)
She sometimes will say "tank to" (thank you) but she rather sign this word still

Madison has also starting using the potty... teetee only but will always tell me when she has a "oop" (poop)!
I have a video that I will try to post on here very soon, but it is of her wear her big girl panties and going potty! So exciting =) 

She is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it! I cant believe she is almost 18 months old!! I look forward to teaching her new words and watching her learn to use the potty! This has been the best year and a half of my life and things only seem to get better and better... I AM SO BLESSED!

Claylon Jerrel Cooper

Claylon was born on July 1st 2010 at 9:07 am
When Claylon was born we weighed 7lbs 10 oz
was 20 inches long
Claylon was born the day before my birthday, what a great birthday present =)

The day after Claylon was born he became jaundice and had to stay in the hospital for  few extra days. Which we were not too happy about but we are thankful that we left the hospital with a healthy baby boy! 

This is the first meeting with his sister...
Madison loves to hold and kiss her new baby brother and is very sweet towards him! 
Here is a picture of daddy and Claylon: 
When we left the hospital on the 4th of July Claylon weighed 7lb 1oz.