Happy 1 month birthday my sweet baby boy!
You weigh: 10.8oz! yay my little chunker
You wear: size 1 diaper and 0-3 month
You sleep: from 8 or 9 pm until 2 or 3 am and then go back down until around 7 or 8.. I know! I'm very blessed to have a good sleeper (for atleast this month hehe) If you are a mom to an infant you know that nothing is ever set in stone and these babies are EVER changing!!
You eat: momma's milk only and YOU LOVE IT
you love to BE HELD BY MOMMA (your favorite thing), kissed by your sister, and eat,sleep, and poop =)
Bummers this month: Your booty rash =( I have tried everything my sweet baby boy and I am so sorry you have to deal with it! you also are still spitting up and crying in the car seat!
This month you look at lot like your uncle Justin!
I love you Claylon and I am so blessed to have you in my life you are the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen! You already have those heart strings going =)